Experienced campaigners Mushfiqur Rahim and Mominul Haque will feature for Bangladesh A in the opening four-day match of the upcoming two-match series against their Pakistani counterparts. Bangladesh Cricket Board on Tuesday announced separate squads for its forthcoming Pakistan tour, where they will also play three one-day matches against the same opposition following the four-day series. Google News LinkFor all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel. Apart from the senior duo, Mahmudul Hasan Joy, Zakir Hasan, Hasan Mahmud, and Nayeem Hasan, who are expected to be part of Bangladesh's Test team for the two-match series against Pakistan in late August, are named in the opening four-day match squad. However, these six cricketers weren't named in the second match squad as they will join the remaining members of the national team in Pakistan, who will travel to Pakistan on August 17, after the first four-day game, scheduled for August 10-13.
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